We invite you to join JuniorGuidesPaddlers! We're thrilled to promote our community of family water adventurers, where the currents of friendship and passion for paddling flow endlessly! Our aim is to foster a vibrant online community where families can connect and share their love for river running. Whether you used to work as a class 5 commercial guide, or someone who's just dipping their paddle into the waters of this exhilarating sport, this email list is your family’s gateway to a world of paddling adventures, informative discussions, safety tips, and gear trading.
JGPaddlers Email listserve will be hosted by Google Groups, a versatile platform that facilitates communication; ALL members can post and respond. Examples of posts might include: paddling partners wanted, group outings, river hazard updates, river conservation news, gear recommendations, and other issues of interest to our families. Members are welcome to ask the list for information, assistance, or advice. JGPaddlers also provides a platform for listing items to give away, request, share, buy/sell/trade or rent.
There is no spam or selling of information; posts must be clean of any content that might offend another member on the list, and we ask that members keep commercial posts to special occasions. This is not a forum to discuss political, religious, or moral views on life.
To join, click the link below. It's easy! To manage the way or how often you receive emails from members posting to the group, type and select Google Groups in your internet search bar. You can choose whether to get daily or weekly summaries, as well as other customizations. To post to everyone on the list, type "JGPaddlers" into your regular email program (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc)
All families of Junior Guides Summer 2024 Camps are automatically invited to join the Google Group Email List as a free service, which furthers our JG mission. New families can become members for a $25 administrative fee.
Legal stuff: Release of Liability: By participating in any paddling activities or events organized through this email list, you hereby release JuniorGuides and its organizers, administrators, and affiliates from any liability for personal injury, property damage, or any other loss that may occur as a result of your participation, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions while participating in paddling activities or events organized or facilitated through this email list. This includes ensuring that you have the necessary skills, equipment, and permissions to engage in such activities safely and legally. Civility: The JG Paddlers admin requests all members conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful. In some cases this will require that individuals withhold expressing their personal opinions, values, and beliefs in order to uphold and honor the overall well being of our paddling community. Admin will make determinations regarding misconduct exhibited by individual members who choose to act in an uncivil manner, which may result in suspension. Commercial Use JGPaddlers may be used by individuals or groups wishing to provide information about their local businesses or organizations, provided that the posts are brief, infrequent, and informative. Do not post marketing material; rather, post a brief paragraph that provides summary information and a way to contact you for more information (phone, email and/or website). Examples of appropriate commercial uses of the list include announcements of river- related events or a brief introduction of a relevant business.
Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, camaraderie, and endless paddling possibilities. The water beckons, and we're excited to have you paddle alongside us! Click here to join JuniorGuides Paddlers, a family membership group
JGPaddlers Email listserve will be hosted by Google Groups, a versatile platform that facilitates communication; ALL members can post and respond. Examples of posts might include: paddling partners wanted, group outings, river hazard updates, river conservation news, gear recommendations, and other issues of interest to our families. Members are welcome to ask the list for information, assistance, or advice. JGPaddlers also provides a platform for listing items to give away, request, share, buy/sell/trade or rent.
There is no spam or selling of information; posts must be clean of any content that might offend another member on the list, and we ask that members keep commercial posts to special occasions. This is not a forum to discuss political, religious, or moral views on life.
To join, click the link below. It's easy! To manage the way or how often you receive emails from members posting to the group, type and select Google Groups in your internet search bar. You can choose whether to get daily or weekly summaries, as well as other customizations. To post to everyone on the list, type "JGPaddlers" into your regular email program (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc)
All families of Junior Guides Summer 2024 Camps are automatically invited to join the Google Group Email List as a free service, which furthers our JG mission. New families can become members for a $25 administrative fee.
Legal stuff: Release of Liability: By participating in any paddling activities or events organized through this email list, you hereby release JuniorGuides and its organizers, administrators, and affiliates from any liability for personal injury, property damage, or any other loss that may occur as a result of your participation, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions while participating in paddling activities or events organized or facilitated through this email list. This includes ensuring that you have the necessary skills, equipment, and permissions to engage in such activities safely and legally. Civility: The JG Paddlers admin requests all members conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful. In some cases this will require that individuals withhold expressing their personal opinions, values, and beliefs in order to uphold and honor the overall well being of our paddling community. Admin will make determinations regarding misconduct exhibited by individual members who choose to act in an uncivil manner, which may result in suspension. Commercial Use JGPaddlers may be used by individuals or groups wishing to provide information about their local businesses or organizations, provided that the posts are brief, infrequent, and informative. Do not post marketing material; rather, post a brief paragraph that provides summary information and a way to contact you for more information (phone, email and/or website). Examples of appropriate commercial uses of the list include announcements of river- related events or a brief introduction of a relevant business.
Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, camaraderie, and endless paddling possibilities. The water beckons, and we're excited to have you paddle alongside us! Click here to join JuniorGuides Paddlers, a family membership group